Hello, I am

Agung Maulana

I am passionate about empowering businesses through data analysis, uncovering valuable insights that drive strategic decision-making and enhance overall performance.

Open to new opportunities
working girl

Unleashing the Power of Data

By leveraging data-driven insights, we can provide valuable information to help businesses make better decisions and boost their performance.

I am committed to applying my knowledge and expertise to contribute to the growth and success of your businesses.

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Data Analysis

Understand your data. Discover useful information in your data by exploring and visualizing it, and draw reliable conclusions using straightforward statistical analysis.

Predictive Analytics

Understand what might happen. Examine data patterns, visualize trends, and make informed predictions through the application of machine learning.

Customer Analysis

Understand your customer. Analyze their behaviors to develop marketing strategies, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth.


  • Data Analyst

    Collecting, processing, and analyzing historical data to provide insights.

  • Data Scientist

    Uncover patterns, build predictive models, and derive actionable insights.

  • Social Researcher

    Identify pattern, trends, correlations, and causations in social phenomena.

  • Web Deployment

    Present analytical findings through Streamlit web applications.

  • Data Report

    Provide a clear and concise summary of information to decision-making processes.

  • Dashboard Creation

    Create an interactive dashboard using Streamlit or Google Looker Studio.